Exodus 8:1-14
Biblically speaking, the frogs equal anything in your life that is contrary to God’s word and God’s will for your life.
Many of you reading this have frogs in your life. Things that you know are out of order, things that shouldn’t be there.
There are all kinds of frogs. There are big frogs, little frogs, fat frogs, skinny frogs, there are frogs of habits and addictions, there are frogs of uncleanness, frogs of lust, and greed, and pride. There are frogs of sickness, and disease, poverty and lack.
There are frogs that people can see, and smell and hear. Then there are frogs that people can’t see.
Other people may not be able to see them but you know they’re there.
One thing is for sure Pharaoh and all his servants knew they had a frog problem.
The first step to getting rid of the frogs in your life is to admit you’ve got them.
The bad thing about frogs is they grow, little frogs become big frogs,
Little stinkers become big stinkers. And they multiply (Anytime you give place and make room for one frog in your life, you have just given an invitation to a whole frog population). A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Pharaoh, at least recognized his frog problem.
Then they reached the place where they hated the frogs.
God will not deliver you from something that you love, or something you are willing to tolerate. Pornography, drugs, nicotine, lust, a bad temper, self pity, depression, jealousy, unforgiveness.
How then can you be delivered from something that you know is wrong, you know God is not pleased with, and you shouldn’t have in your life but you like it? You enjoy it, your flesh enjoys it, (I know it’s wrong and I know I shouldn’t have it in my life, but I love it).
How can I be delivered from the frogs in my life, when If I’m honest about it, I really like them?
The answer is: You have to agree with God. You have to choose, to operate out of your heart, your spirit, and not your flesh. Your flesh may lust after it and desire it but in my heart I choose to hate it, because God hates it.
When I choose to hate it in my spirit, then the power of God begins to move through my spirit, and empowers me to put to death the appetites and the works of the flesh.
Anger management, marriage counseling, the patch, nicorette, rehab.
All of these are well and good in their place. But they cannot deliver you. The doctor, the financial consultant, the lawyers, they all play their part, but first and foremost, above all you need God.
Pharaoh calls for Moses and asks him to pray for their deliverance.
(Glory to God, Moses says: Well Hallelujah, you’ve finally come to your senses) When do you want me to pray?
And Pharaoh speaks that one demon inspired word that has doomed multitudes to an eternal hell for generations, "Tomorrow".
Give me one more night to live with, sleep with, play with the frogs!
I want to get rid of this, but not today
I want to pet my sin, I want to indulge my flesh, and satisfy my lust just one more time.
I want to get my life right with God - Tomorrow
I want to get off these drugs (tomorrow)
I want to get out of this adulterous affair (tomorrow)
I want to get rid of this lust and perversion (tomorrow)
I want to be free of this anger and resentment and hatred and unforgiveness (tomorrow)
Ps 27:1 Boast not thyself of tomorrow: For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
You don’t have the promise of tomorrow, you have now, you have this heart beat, this breath, 2 Co 6:2 Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation.
When Moses Prayed, God killed the frogs!
That means what you have wrestled with and struggled with for years, God can take care of it in one moment of time. No matter how bad it is, God will break its power over your life.
There may still be the temptation, but its controlling power over your life will be broken.
It’s time to put your foot down and declare I’m not going to play with the frogs anymore, not one more night with the frogs.
I don’t have to put up with the devil’s mess for one more day.